We are fighting for the rights of Slovak entrepreneurs at home and abroad

Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia is an association, whose main mission is to improve the business environment in our country. We represent companies, that create value in Slovakia and make a significant contribution to the growth of our economy.

History of EAS

The Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia is the first organisation of private entrepreneurs established after the “Velvet revolution” in November 1989. EAS is also the founding member of an umbrella organization of employers, who employ approx. 216 000 employees and generating approx. 70 % of GDP in Slovakia. We are a non-profit organization financed exclusively by voluntary contributions of our members.   

What we do

EAS mainly focuses on fighting for free and simple business environment. We comment on legislative process and care for the future of our country in areas like pension system, education or health care. We also focus on improving the image of business and entrepreneurs in Slovakia e.g. by showing off inspiring business role models. We truly think that entrepreneurs are the heroes of today.

Representatives of EAS

Collective members

The members of EAS, in addition to individual entrepreneurs, are several organizations covering various areas of Slovak economy. We thank all of our collective members for their cooperation.

Our social networks